Buddhist English

Encountering translations of Tibetan Buddhist texts is to enter a realm of technical terms embedded in an ethos that has few resonances with the beliefs and concepts that we are familiar with in the Greek and Judaeo-Christian traditions. Translators attempting to make traditional Tibetan Buddhist texts available are faced with a complex task. Texts written into Tibetan have arisen in […]

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Saraha. Treasury of songs.

Although Saraha had a scholar’s training his style here is to offer a simple sharing of his experience. He presents the ground: the simplicity of the base and source of experience. Then the path: the way to not stray from the ground. And finally the result: abiding at ease in the ground without reification or attachment. There is no discussion or debate for this is not a proposition but a revelation.

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Ayu Khandro’s heart-felt advice

“The Record of the Heart-felt Advice of the Dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp” translated from the Tibetan into various languages James has taught on this text by the Tibetan yogini, Ayu Khandro (also spelled Ayo Khandro),  in various countries at various times (see below). Read the Tibetan textRead the text in English. The English text is included in Finding Freedom: Texts from […]

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Vergänglichkeit erinnernd. A prayer by Rigdzin Godem, translated into German

von Rigdzin Godem (1337 – 1409) Deutsch von Heike Drinkuth Download Pdf Körper Stimme Geist Großer Lehrer, lass mich das Wirkliche erkennen Wenn ich auch weiß: der äußere Anschein dieser Welt ist Täuschung Möchte ich sie ergreifen als wäre sie zuinnerst real in ihren verwirrenden Erscheinungen Noch bin ich nicht zu Ende mit meinen Bedrängnissen und ihren leisen Spuren Segne […]

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